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Neuse River Lighthouse

Authorized by act of Congress, March 2, 1827, $3,500 for a light-vessel at Neuse River.

1855 – Neuse River – This vessel was removed for repairs to Newbern, North Carolina, on the 18th of May, 1855. She resumed her station on the 30th of June following in perfect order.

1857 – All the light-vessels in this district, located in the waters of North Carolina, are very old, (with one exception, and that one a badly built contract vessel,) all of them requiring frequent and expensive repairs, and some of them are in such a condition from age as to render it almost certain that they must be rebuilt at no distant day, or their places occupied by iron screw-pile foundation lights, similar to those already erected at two points in those waters. The comparative expense in first cost has been shown to be greatly in favor of the permanent light, and that of annual support and maintenance of the permanent very small in comparison with that for the light-vessels. No engineering difficulties are apprehended in the substitution of permanent lights at the sites of those light-vessels, should Congress authorize their erection. The light-vessels which could be changed gradually to permanent lights are Crany island, Neuse river, Harbor island bar, Roanoke river, Brant island shoal, Croatan Sound, Long shoal, and Royal shoal.

1862 – The light-house at the mouth of the Neuse river, which was under construction at the time of the breaking out of the rebellion, was necessarily abandoned. The work has been recommenced, and is rapidly approaching completion.

1863 – A new light-house has been established at the mouth of Neuse river, showing a fixed light of the 5th order, and a 500-pound bell, to guide mariners during foggy weather, has been provided and put in operation.

1868 – Neuse river.—Iron-work of foundation painted two coats, outside of dwelling one coat, and lantern inside and out two coats; new glass set where required; new cooking stove and fixtures supplied.

1869 – Neuse River.—Screw-pile light-house; iron work cleaned of rust by hammering, and afterwards painted; outside and inside lantern painted; also, lantern deck and balustrade; reset defective window glass. The boat has been repaired, and a new sail and material for boat’s falls supplied. Funck lamps are to be supplied.

1875 – Neuse River, entrance to Neuse River, North Carolina.—The roof of this structure, which is a screw-pile light-house, was removed during the past season, a new one put on, and the station left in good order.

1883 – Neuse River, entrance to Neuse River, North Carolina.—The decayed wood-work was replaced. The diagonal and main beams were renewed or scarfed. New joists, fascias, posts, railing, balusters, and decking were supplied; a new floor was laid in the hall; an iron hand-rail was put on the stairway; new door-sills were put in; the wood-work and lantern were painted, and two boat-hoisters were set up. The station is now in good condition.

1899 – Neuse River, entrance to Neuse River, North Carolina.—New model fifth-order lamps were installed and minor repairs were made.

1900 – Neuse River, entrance to Neuse River, North Carolina.—A platform was built under the house for the storage of fuel. Three iron landing ladders were placed, and a trapdoor was fitted in the gallery deck. Two water tanks were set. Various repairs were made.

1912 – Thomas D. Quidley, assistant keeper. Schooner Mariah disabled. Rendered assistance to party on board.

1913 – John T. Shipp, keeper, and Thomas Quidley, assistant, saved the Government property in their charge during storm.

1915 – John T. Shipp, keeper, Neuse River and Point of Marsh, assisted occupants after motor boat became disabled. Motor boat Clara S., Capt. E.B. Pobst.

1915 – John T. Shipp, keeper, Neuse River and Point of Marsh, assisted several men and children in disabled launch. Launch Susie Swindell. Happened on September 8, 1915.

1916 – T. D. Quldley, assistant keeper, Neuse River Light Station and Point of Marsh Light, N. C., Gas freight boat Nelson, Capt. Murray Nason owner. Rendered assistance to disabled boat.

1916 – John T. Shipp, keeper, Neuse River and Point of Marsh, rendered assistance to disabled motor boat and furnished occupant food. Happened on April 10, 1916.

1917 – Thomas D. Quidley, keeper, towed heavily laden freight boat Olive to safe harbor. Happened on January 31, 1917.

1920 – The act of March 28, 1918, appropriated $150,000 for rebuilding, repairing, and reestablishing aids damaged by storm and ice, from which $100,000 was allotted to the fifth district. The act of November 16,1918, appropriated $300,000 additional for the same purpose, from which $284,000 was allotted the fifth district. The restoration of light stations in the fifth district damaged by ice floes during the winter of 1917-18 was continued during the past fiscal year by depositing riprap at nine light stations, building up existing protective works near or around these stations, or constructing new barriers or ice breakers, and by constructing new foundations and inserting bracing under several screw pile lighthouses, as follows: At Brant Island and Neuse River Light Stations, Pamlico Sound, N. C, 800 tons of riprap stone were placed under the former and 400 tons under the latter to restore the stability of the structures formerly attained by underwater bracing, all of which was carried away by ice. A new foundation of piles and mushroom castings was placed under Brant Island Light Station and the station leveled by the district force previous to the deposit of riprap stone.

1920 – J.F. Peele, assistant keeper, assisted yacht, towed it to station and made repairs to engine. Seems to have happened on March 28, 1920.

1923 – Thomas D. Quidley, keeper of Neuse River Light Station, N.C., on July 6 rendered assistance to the fish boat Elizabeth and occupant when that vessel was discovered in a disabled condition in the vicinity of the light station.


  • Head: Joseph Carrow (1864), H. C. Powers (1864 – 1865), D. S. Dowdy (1865 – 1867), Demsey G. Lupton (1867 – 1869), William O. Norcross (1869), Davis Munden (1869 – 1871), Richard S. Daniels (1871 – 1876), Peter Johnston ( 1876 – 1878), Thomas C. Jones, Sr. (1878 – 1885), Ambrose Jones (1885 – 1888), Charles R. McCleese (1888 – 1889), John W. Brabble (1889 – 1893), John T. Shipp (1893 – 1916), Thomas Daniels Quidley (1916 – 1931).
  • Assistant: Edward P. Morse (1864), John G. Linton (1864 – 1865), Levi Langly (1865), W. S. Harrison (1865 – 1866), Demsey G. Lupton (1866 – 1867), Benjamin F. Lupton (1867), Robert P. Whorton (1867 – 1869), William O. Norcross (1869), Davis Munden (1869), Hezekiah M. Colter (1869 – 1871), William H. Lewis (1871 – 1872), Hiram Daniel (1872 – 1874), Alex T. Strausbury (1874 – ), Daniel C. Carpenter (1875 – 1876), James C. Johnston (1876 – 1878), Thomas C. Jones, Jr. (1878 – 1880), Ambrose Jones (1880 – 1885), Walter Jones (1885 – 1887), Charles R. McCleese (1887 – 1888), Hugh W. Lane (1888), John W. Brabble (1888 – 1889), Edward F. Manson (1889 – 1890), John T. Shipp (1890 – 1893), Chalcedony Lewis (1893 – 1895), Alexander B. Curtis (1895 – 1900), Alonzo Caraway (1900), William J. Willis (1900 – 1905), Thomas Daniels Quidley (1905 – 1916), John T. Shipp (1916 – 1918), John F. Peele (1918 – 1931).

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Pictures on this page copyright National Archives, Coast Guard, used by permission.
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